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Friday, October 21, 2011

Sorry to be away so long

Sorry to be away so long, but I had to think and pray after speaking with some people about the way in which the blog has come together. I decided to wait until I had something to write about. One of the real great things about my current position is the time I can spend with the Medical Students. I am continually impressed with the way they interact with each other and the patients they follow. One of the roles I play is to review their clinical experience. In this Catholic Hospital, there is a letter that went out last January reminding the OB/GYN crowd that they needed to abide by the Catholic Directives. Specifically, they were to refrain from dispensing and discussing contraception with their patients. While looking over the files, I could not help noticing how many encounters involving contraceptive choices they had witnessed. It just shows the steepness of the climb that exists to build a culture of life. One day at a time. Mary, seed of wisdom, pray for us

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Persona Humana - Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics

I don't know what has happened to my alma mater....though the class I took with Paul Lakeland in 1984 was on Liberation Theology. I am speechless.

I do believe that mother church has created a beautiful document that addresses this emotional issue

This program is from

Persona Humana - Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics

More Than A Monologue

Friday, August 26, 2011

Aborting one twin, sparing the other, when IVF goes 'wrong' :: EWTN News

I was interviewed yesterday be EWTN news. The writer did a great job integrating it into a recent article published in the new york times

NY TIMES: the 2 minus 1 pregnancy August 14, 2011

While I never had the experience of a couple seriously considering reducing a twin to a singleton, it is a situation that I am, nonetheless, not surprised by. It is a natural development as the idea of children as a commodity continues to permeate the culture.

Aborting one twin, sparing the other, when IVF goes 'wrong' :: EWTN News

St Maria Goretti,pray for us!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I was contacted by a lawyer from Puerto Rico who is a volunteer for HLI.She is interested in me travelling to Costa Rica sometime in the next few months to share my experiences with legislators and doctors there to give them support. Costa Rica is one of the few countries where IVF is illegal.

The link is a recent perspective
IVF Turns Pregnancy Into a Shopping Expedition

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Changes to blog.

At the suggestion of several people, I have made some housekeeping changes. I considered moving the blog to another site....but that would take a number of different steps. I spent some time looking at the options here, and was pleasantly surprised.

Here are some changes.

To the left <----, there are multiple options to subscribe. One can join through google, or by email or RSS.

Each entry can now be posted to any one of several sites. The links are below.

Finally,the blog can also be accessed through

Thanks for all your thoughtful concerns!

God Bless you

St Gianna Pray for us!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Homosexual Adoption: and more

As i continue researching the history of the pill....I am following the continual saga of the approval of Same sex marriage. I find, at least initially, interesting parallels. The pill was seen as an anathema less than 100 years ago. Indeed, it is only in the mid 1960's that there is any acceptance of hormonal contraception. The position taken be Cardinal Cushing on June 22, 1965 rings so loudly today

"My position in this matter is that birth control in accordance with artificial means is immoral, and not permissible. But this is Catholic teaching. I am also convinced that I should not impose my position—moral beliefs or religious beliefs—upon those of other faiths."
Warming to the subject, the cardinal told his radio audience that day that "I could not in conscience approve the legislation" that had been proposed. However, he quickly added, "I will make no effort to impose my opinion upon others."
With that in mind, is it any wonder that Bishop Dolan only made his commentary after Governor Cuomo signed the legislation? At least Cardinal George made a little noise as "Catholic" Governor Quinn signed a Civil Union law recently.
And today, Michael Voris posts a Vortex talking about the homosexual adoption issue: It is posted below.
While the adoption issue is enormous, especially here in Illinois, it pales a little bit when compared to the increase I suspect in "married" same sex couples seeking advanced reproductive services for children. Using partially their own gametes, and, in some cases, a surrogate uterus, where will these children find a place. Adopted children had a mother and a father at some point. But who will speak for these children!
St Gianna, Pray for us!

This program is from

Friday, July 8, 2011

I am currently working on a comprehensive review of the risks and "benefits" of the oral contraceptive. In a recent Linacre quarterly article, an author postulated that there was no licit use of the pill. While I might ultimately agree, the basis must be found in the literature. As an expansion of my idea of the Three Pillars, I will be dedicating the next few posts on the contraceptive issue

One cannot begin a discussion without understanding the history. Through the magic of the internet, we can get some of the principles in their own voice.

While Gregory Pincus, Margaret Sanger and Katherine McCormick all died within a few years after the introduction of the pill, Dr John Rock, a Catholic OB/GYN, championed its early introduction. One of the primary investigators during the initial trials of the progesterone only pill and then Enovid, he worked until his dying breath to defend the pill. His theories have been refuted and possibly proven wrong. But here is an interesting example of  his argument. He was interviewed by the CBC in 1964. The first interview which was very short, created a stir. In it, though, he makes the statement that is central to the question that I am researching......

Dr Rock 1

They had him back one week later for a longer discussion.

I post it here for your thoughts and prayers

St Gianna Pray for us!

Dr Rock, 1964

USSCB looking for Family Life Exec Director

Anybody interested......I would be, but I have degrees in Medicine and Public Health, not Theology

USSCB looking for Family Life Exec Director

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lesbian blogger writes about life as a single mom

I just found this profile while doing research for a paper I am trying to write.
While I have never considered myself homophobic, I am struck by the way the writer describes the day to day activities of the woman.
Take a look for yourself.

Lesbian blogger writes about life as a single mom

St Maria Goretti, pray for us

Friday, July 1, 2011

Possible Breakthrough in Ovulation monitoring

Some very encouraging news in the WSJ today. A new ovulation system has been tested and is in use in Europe. Fascinating that they justify the cost (about $1000) with a 100% money back guarantee if no pregnancy in a year. I am trying to contact the team about studies being done in order  to bring the technology to the United States. It deserves to be tested against the Marquette model and the Ov-Watch  to see just how good it might be


ov watch

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Building Blocks

Happy feast of Sts Peter and Paul!

This is over the hump day, and I have been looking at sites as I plan to expand the blog. But today I want to give a brief status report. I had a great meeting with a friend of mine this week, who has been trying to think of ways to bring me into his practice and merge our common interests in offering Catholic Based women's health care. I can promise nothing, but patience

Second, I am following the advice of the administrators I have met where I work now and a proposal is slowly circulating. I will be forwarding this proposal soon to the highest levels of the company and then following up for support. The recent amazing support I have received from several people is moving this ball forward.

You know, Michael Voris is in Dublin this week. Over the last two days, he has laid out in his inimitable style the severe erosion of the faith that is occurring in the land where so many can trace their lineage. I, for one, can attest that while the materialism and new age thinking are well rooted here in America, that there is a growing campaign of believers that is sparking a revival! And God Bless you all!

St Gianna Pray for us!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Time to come out of the woodwork

Three posts in a day seems just surreal to me....but I could not stay silent. I just had one of the most amazing conversations I have ever had on the subject of God's will and fertility. She told me that there are people out there who are interested in knowing more about the natural alternatives to the evils present in the three pillars.

There is a movement beginning, that I can feel, that may very well bring the St Ann Center for Reproductive Health to life....and may God be praised!  If you are someone that sees this too......tell someone!  If you want more info.....that will be posted over the next few days!


St Gianna, pray for us
Mary, seed of wisdom, pray for us

Islands of Plenty

In my reading this morning, I saw this article which puts far more eloquently than I can the global problem. These forces are at work here in the United States too. It is amazing the lengths that governments will do to "fix" a perceived problem that does not truly exist.

Islands of Plenty

Daily reflections

I am currently waiting for a response to my most recent proposal to begin a clinic that brings the Catholic perspective to women's health care and fertility treatment.

I have found that ibreviary helps me stay focused and have added a link here

More soon!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

An Indication of the Scope of the Problem

Today, I began putting together some research in preparation of posting some information that might be readily available. When I entered the search term "Natural Family Planning" on the National Library website, I found a very interesting article from the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology from February 2011.

Entitled "Obstetrician-gynecologists' view on contraception and natural family planning: a national survey" Dr Lawrence et al mailed 1800 surveys to OB/GYNs all across the country. They asked if whether these physicians might have a moral or ethical objection to, and whether they would offer 6 common contraceptive methods

Oral Contraceptives
Progesterone implants and/or injections
Intrauterine devices
Diaphragms/Cervical caps
Tubal ligation

What I found interesting, and somewhat sad about the result was the attitude of the 262 Catholic OB/GYN's who answered the survey

Overall 4.9% of all US OB/GYN's  who answered have a moral or ethical objection to a contraceptive method

2% (20) Catholic OB/GYNs objected to one or more method

8% (23) would not offer 1 or more contraceptive methods

To be fair, the survey found that those doctors who stated that they were more religious (went to church twice a month or more) or that religion was more important to them were more likely to object to contraception.

more telling was the attitude of the Catholic physicians when asked if natural family planning was a poor option for most women.   56% (145) of the Catholic respondents agreed that NFP was a poor option.

The authors actually single out the Catholic physician response in their. They quote Humanae Vitae, and then later comment " ...Among Catholic physicians, who belong to an organization (emp added) that teaches that all birth control except natural family planning is "intrinsically evil", a large percentage had no objections and would provide birth control if requested.

They cite other reports that include a statement that Catholic clients were over represented at early  birth control clinics and a catholic news agency article from 2010 that found that 63% of US catholics believe church teachings on condoms should change. Then the kicker statement:

"People who endorse a particular religious affiliation do not necessarily endorse all of that religion's teachings."    REALLY?!?

People have to realize that the heresies in the days of King Henry the VIII were created because Martin Luther did not endorse "all of his religions teachings." While I am no theologian, does it take a lifetime of learning to see that the many protestant denominations that have developed over time all come about from the same basic process?

There is an uphill battle convincing people of the dangers of Contraception. Despite recent reports that the FDA is looking at the risk of venous thrombo-embolism, there is no slowing the tide at present. The paper concludes with the statement."Although controversy about contraception has by no means disappeared, it does not appear to be a significant source of division among obstetrician gynecologist physicians in the United States.

An objection to contraception is euphemistically joked about in my institution, where just about, if not all of the OB/GYN offices openly prescribe contraceptives. I see physicians wearing crucifixes around their necks and have IUD pins on their lab coat lapels....

But good news....I recently had a frank discussion with someone who had been on OCP's for 12 years. Due to her "social status" she stopped taking the pills. What she could not believe was how much better she felt. She is sleeping better, has more energy, and overall, feels great! Wouldn't it be wonderful if more people would give themselves the opportunity to feel this way!

St Gianna Pray for us

Monday, June 13, 2011

Perhaps a call

Last week, at the recommendation of a friend, I was contacted by a reporter for the Catholic News agency. We had a wonderful discussion about my conversion and its impact on me and my life. I will be commenting on more of this during the week, but wanted to give a link to the story

EWTN News June 9, 2011

And it was picked up today on Lifesite news

Lifesite news June 13, 2011

St Gianna Pray for us

Monday, May 16, 2011

Great Symposium

Last Friday, I attended a conference on the University of Illinois, Chicago Conference on Bioethics. It covered a number of topics, mostly on beginning of life issues. Neonatology, the application of double effect, and then, at the end, a wide ranging presentation on Natural Family Planning. It was really excellent. I was very pleased to meet someone from the Marquette school of Nursing, and look forward to the fruits of networking.

Over the next few days, I will try to develop a reference for the types of Natural Family planning methods. While I do understand that these approaches can help space children, I cannot easily separate them from family promotion. They have their applications either way.

St Gianna Pray for us!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

the Day after

Wow....I am so humbled by those who have chosen to follow my ramblings! Let my start this phase with a little background.

I chose to become an Obstetrician/Gynecologist because I wanted to provide comprehensive women's care. My further interest in Reproductive Endocrinology was fueled by my own difficulties in starting a family with my wonderful wife. Indeed, in the early days of my practice, there were many who were intrigued by my stories and I offered them as hope for others.

My wife had PCOS, and had to have ovarian stimulation in order to ovulate. When we got serious about this, she conceived each time we underwent stimulation and monitoring. God was indeed gracious and good. I used to joke that we could not use a new drug on any one else without trying it out on us first. Five stimulations, five beautiful children. The last time was nine years ago. That took three months, but was well worth the effort. Again, God be praised!.

The trials and tribulations of the next years will be well documented over time, but much needs to be done.

Tomorrow, I will be at an Ethics seminar sponsored by the local Catholic Physicians Association Guild here in Chicago. And we will build from there.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A CNN Blog

I was on looking at the news today, and found an interesting take on IVF in a "faith blog" The writer,Sean Savage, presents a case that the Catholic Church should rethink its position on IVF. He presents his own story, which can be read here

Sean has written a book with his wife Carolyn called Inconceivable. After being blessed with 2 sons, they found themselves unable to successfully conceive. Therefore, they sought the help of an infertility clinic and welcomed a daughter after IVF. They tried again a year later. This time, though, an error led to the transfer of the wrong embryos with the ultimate delivery of a child that was not genetically their own.

He then presents his own take on the writings of the Catholic Church on ART. What is amazing is that he ultimately agrees with all of the positions of the Church. He equates an article stating the Catholic belief published at the same time as his last birth as a personal attack, and launches his own in return.

I think that there are some things that bear some light. Please understand that I am not a theologian, but I will try

Donum Vitae used to be one of my favorite foils. In the entire document, the subject of IVF get very little play. It mostly deals with the possibilities of the use of embryos and cloning. At the time I was arguing against this document, I never dreamed that most of the described possibilities could happen. I now know differently.

Dignitas Personae was written by Cardinal Levada, the current prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. Before this, he was the Archbiship of San Francisco, and not known for his conservative side.

This document takes many of the correct assumptions about IVF and then builds a case based on the catechism of the Catholic Church to beautifully place the conception of children in the true context.

There are so many things that can happen during IVF treatment. Many, if not most of the miscues are unintended. But IVF has also led to the creation of what is euphemistically called the "modern family" in the United states. Anyone can get a baby by mixing any two gametes and placing them into a modern vessel.......It cannot be separated just because one's intentions are "pure" or if the motion is "right"

One of the beauties of the gift of children is that the child represents the external manifestation of the love between the two parents who have given themselves to each other physically, emotionally and completely in the Sacrament of Marriage. Any other means to conceive takes the will of God and places it the hands of the couple or the doctor or the embryologist.....but not God.

I used to believe that I was an instrument of the Almighty...that children are never bad. Here is another area where Mr Savage errs. There is nothing wrong with the children. And I would be surprised if any writer, blogger or speaker would ever intimate that.

Finally, for now, let's consider what led to the mistake. Sean and Carolyn had "left over" embryos. If there were no embryos left, would they have "been done?" There are hundreds of thousand embryos stored in laboratories across the United States. And that is a likely understatement. Each embryo represents a life, willfully "created" and placed in suspended animation. Here, Dignitas Personae is silent, and there has yet to be a formal position. This is likely because there is this tremendous disconnect between the process which led to the creation of the embryo and the natural potential outcome.

More Soon! AMDG

Monday, March 14, 2011

The three pillars

During this Lent, my goal is to more fully describe what I term the three pillars of defense against the dissolution of marriage. They are: Abortion, Advanced Infertility Treatments, and Contraception. Each separate the unitive and procreative aspects of the marital act, which is central to the sacrament of marriage.

The use of contraception, which by the words of Malcolm Potts himself, one of the progenitors of Planned Parenthood, is directly linked to abortion. How is this possible? No contraceptive method is 100% foolproof, and with the failure of the method....abortions become more common.

Artificial Insemination and ART dehumanize the marital bond. Both partners do not have to be present, and there is no demonstration of unity between husband and wife. There cannot be, as they are physically separated.

The USCCB has encouraged its priests to speak out on these subjects this lent. I pray that they take up the task enthusiastically.

You can find the link here

Monday, January 31, 2011

How Messages are sent

Over the last couple of weeks, while waiting in line at the grocery store. I have been met with the image of two recent world wide stories in pictures. How sad that the messages that they send take away from the clear messages of the Faith. How can the great gift of children arising form the unitive and procreative component of the marriage bond be affirmed and encouraged when messages like these shine from the grocery line and are proclaimed "normal"

And then, greeting all this a story in the Chicago tribune warmly describing a 61 year old who gave birth to her own grandchild.

Chicago Tribune

There has been some rumbling on some NFP chatrooms and developing facebook pages to address the beauty of the marriage bond. I hope to be able to address some of the questions and issues regarding more natural ways to increase the chances of pregnancy over the next few months. I am open to your ideas and ask for your prayers as the project gets going

God Bless you all!

St Gianna pray for us

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Year, Fresh perpective

Happy Feast of Titus and Timothy.

I was so inspired by a passage from today's Morning Prayer

"Proclaim the message, insist on it in season and out of season, refute falsehood, correct error,call to obedience, but do all with patience and sound doctrine"

In my opinion, there are few situations which are as heartbreaking as the inability to conceive a child. Sometimes, the net result is represented in my last posting. But the heartbreak also comes as a result of the pain that follows when we forget that God has a plan for us, and that we may find solace in trusting Him.

Unfortunately, we are in a culture of death and one-ness, where Contraceptive methods are discussed openly, which allows the reduction of the expression of love to just another human animal function. What beauty would come if every married couple looked forward to the gift of a child, and waited until that time to share themselves in that greatest expression of love.

Over the next posts, I hope to lay out methodology to help. But for today, with the shadow of the anniversary of Roe vs Wade stretching out into the history of 2011, let us remember that there is a link between contraception and abortion,

This program is from