I am currently working on a comprehensive review of the risks and "benefits" of the oral contraceptive. In a recent Linacre quarterly article, an author postulated that there was no licit use of the pill. While I might ultimately agree, the basis must be found in the literature. As an expansion of my idea of the Three Pillars, I will be dedicating the next few posts on the contraceptive issue
One cannot begin a discussion without understanding the history. Through the magic of the internet, we can get some of the principles in their own voice.
While Gregory Pincus, Margaret Sanger and Katherine McCormick all died within a few years after the introduction of the pill, Dr John Rock, a Catholic OB/GYN, championed its early introduction. One of the primary investigators during the initial trials of the progesterone only pill and then Enovid, he worked until his dying breath to defend the pill. His theories have been refuted and possibly proven wrong. But here is an interesting example of his argument. He was interviewed by the CBC in 1964. The first interview which was very short, created a stir. In it, though, he makes the statement that is central to the question that I am researching......
Dr Rock 1
They had him back one week later for a longer discussion.
I post it here for your thoughts and prayers
St Gianna Pray for us!
Dr Rock, 1964
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