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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Homosexual Adoption: and more

As i continue researching the history of the pill....I am following the continual saga of the approval of Same sex marriage. I find, at least initially, interesting parallels. The pill was seen as an anathema less than 100 years ago. Indeed, it is only in the mid 1960's that there is any acceptance of hormonal contraception. The position taken be Cardinal Cushing on June 22, 1965 rings so loudly today

"My position in this matter is that birth control in accordance with artificial means is immoral, and not permissible. But this is Catholic teaching. I am also convinced that I should not impose my position—moral beliefs or religious beliefs—upon those of other faiths."
Warming to the subject, the cardinal told his radio audience that day that "I could not in conscience approve the legislation" that had been proposed. However, he quickly added, "I will make no effort to impose my opinion upon others."
With that in mind, is it any wonder that Bishop Dolan only made his commentary after Governor Cuomo signed the legislation? At least Cardinal George made a little noise as "Catholic" Governor Quinn signed a Civil Union law recently.
And today, Michael Voris posts a Vortex talking about the homosexual adoption issue: It is posted below.
While the adoption issue is enormous, especially here in Illinois, it pales a little bit when compared to the increase I suspect in "married" same sex couples seeking advanced reproductive services for children. Using partially their own gametes, and, in some cases, a surrogate uterus, where will these children find a place. Adopted children had a mother and a father at some point. But who will speak for these children!
St Gianna, Pray for us!

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