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Monday, May 16, 2011

Great Symposium

Last Friday, I attended a conference on the University of Illinois, Chicago Conference on Bioethics. It covered a number of topics, mostly on beginning of life issues. Neonatology, the application of double effect, and then, at the end, a wide ranging presentation on Natural Family Planning. It was really excellent. I was very pleased to meet someone from the Marquette school of Nursing, and look forward to the fruits of networking.

Over the next few days, I will try to develop a reference for the types of Natural Family planning methods. While I do understand that these approaches can help space children, I cannot easily separate them from family promotion. They have their applications either way.

St Gianna Pray for us!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

the Day after

Wow....I am so humbled by those who have chosen to follow my ramblings! Let my start this phase with a little background.

I chose to become an Obstetrician/Gynecologist because I wanted to provide comprehensive women's care. My further interest in Reproductive Endocrinology was fueled by my own difficulties in starting a family with my wonderful wife. Indeed, in the early days of my practice, there were many who were intrigued by my stories and I offered them as hope for others.

My wife had PCOS, and had to have ovarian stimulation in order to ovulate. When we got serious about this, she conceived each time we underwent stimulation and monitoring. God was indeed gracious and good. I used to joke that we could not use a new drug on any one else without trying it out on us first. Five stimulations, five beautiful children. The last time was nine years ago. That took three months, but was well worth the effort. Again, God be praised!.

The trials and tribulations of the next years will be well documented over time, but much needs to be done.

Tomorrow, I will be at an Ethics seminar sponsored by the local Catholic Physicians Association Guild here in Chicago. And we will build from there.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A CNN Blog

I was on looking at the news today, and found an interesting take on IVF in a "faith blog" The writer,Sean Savage, presents a case that the Catholic Church should rethink its position on IVF. He presents his own story, which can be read here

Sean has written a book with his wife Carolyn called Inconceivable. After being blessed with 2 sons, they found themselves unable to successfully conceive. Therefore, they sought the help of an infertility clinic and welcomed a daughter after IVF. They tried again a year later. This time, though, an error led to the transfer of the wrong embryos with the ultimate delivery of a child that was not genetically their own.

He then presents his own take on the writings of the Catholic Church on ART. What is amazing is that he ultimately agrees with all of the positions of the Church. He equates an article stating the Catholic belief published at the same time as his last birth as a personal attack, and launches his own in return.

I think that there are some things that bear some light. Please understand that I am not a theologian, but I will try

Donum Vitae used to be one of my favorite foils. In the entire document, the subject of IVF get very little play. It mostly deals with the possibilities of the use of embryos and cloning. At the time I was arguing against this document, I never dreamed that most of the described possibilities could happen. I now know differently.

Dignitas Personae was written by Cardinal Levada, the current prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. Before this, he was the Archbiship of San Francisco, and not known for his conservative side.

This document takes many of the correct assumptions about IVF and then builds a case based on the catechism of the Catholic Church to beautifully place the conception of children in the true context.

There are so many things that can happen during IVF treatment. Many, if not most of the miscues are unintended. But IVF has also led to the creation of what is euphemistically called the "modern family" in the United states. Anyone can get a baby by mixing any two gametes and placing them into a modern vessel.......It cannot be separated just because one's intentions are "pure" or if the motion is "right"

One of the beauties of the gift of children is that the child represents the external manifestation of the love between the two parents who have given themselves to each other physically, emotionally and completely in the Sacrament of Marriage. Any other means to conceive takes the will of God and places it the hands of the couple or the doctor or the embryologist.....but not God.

I used to believe that I was an instrument of the Almighty...that children are never bad. Here is another area where Mr Savage errs. There is nothing wrong with the children. And I would be surprised if any writer, blogger or speaker would ever intimate that.

Finally, for now, let's consider what led to the mistake. Sean and Carolyn had "left over" embryos. If there were no embryos left, would they have "been done?" There are hundreds of thousand embryos stored in laboratories across the United States. And that is a likely understatement. Each embryo represents a life, willfully "created" and placed in suspended animation. Here, Dignitas Personae is silent, and there has yet to be a formal position. This is likely because there is this tremendous disconnect between the process which led to the creation of the embryo and the natural potential outcome.

More Soon! AMDG