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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More need for education

I have been trying to educate myself since last month in an attempt to understand the seeds of the Catholic Church's position on Infertility. My suspicion, which, so far, is being confirmed that we have to support and educate people on the sacrament that is matrimony. In addition, that children are an absolute gift from God that represents the external manifestation of the love of a man and woman within that marital bond.

I frequently ask myself what did people do prior to 1978, prior to advanced reproductive technologies, prior to the isolation of gonadotropins, prior to the discovery of clomiphene in 1964. As soon as I can make a case for that, I will document it.

Motivation comes from many sources. Some are within my family, some within my work environment and some from external sources.

I do believe that the beginning of the infertility story starts with the stories of Rachel and Hannah in the Bible. Both women were the favored of their Husbands. Both failed to conceive, and both ultimately bore children. But more on that later. While doing some research on Hannah, I came upon a blog of a fertility patient's blog and her video "What IF." The video struck me deeply as a contemporary prayer but with something more, that needs more reflection.

you can see more at /

What IF? A Portrait of Infertility from Keiko Zoll on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Repect Life Sunday

Today is Respect life Sunday, and, at Church this morning, I heard one of the best sermons ever. Delivered by Rev Frank Phillips, he covered the gamut of the church's position from Genesis through Humanae Vitae. In addition, he made some of the strongest statements I have ever heard from the pulpit about pornography and its dangers.

As a response to Respect life sunday, The USCCB published a series of pamphlets regarding different angles of the cause. Their bulletin insert for this sunday regarding infertility can be found here USCCB Infertility 2010

While I completely support the initiatives of the USCCB, I believe that we need to focus in another area as well. Where are the roots of the problem. Whether we talk of the development of the culture of death over live, or focus on euthanasia, or contracption, or abortion, or infertility or any other facet of the current societal culture, we must lament that we have lost the focus on the relationships that have broken down, creating these sins.

St Gianna Pray for us!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I was looking around for Chicago Resources and came upon the couple to couple's league of chicago.I found this article to be very true especially now.

lack of fertility knowledge

Read and enjoy!
St Gianna Pray for us!

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Thanks for clicking on this blog. I am hoping to use this space to provide the latest information on the benefits of Natural Family Planning for both spacing and assisting in the development of families. After more than a decade of practicing advanced reproductive procedures, I have come to the clear realization that these practices are wrong from a moral and relationship standing. the artificial stress and strain that are placed on couples attempting to build a family is incredible, and does not have to be.

Feel free to tell your stories and ask your questions, and I will try to help as I can.

God Bless you. St Gianna pray for us